Sometimes I have cravings for papaya salad, and sometimes I don't have it or too lazy to go get it. Carrots are a good option! It's still delicious and refreshing and so easy to make!

3 - 4 Cups Carrot, shredded
3 Thai Chilis (more or less depending on spice level)
3 cloves of Garlic
1 tbsp Shrimp Paste
1 tbsp of Fish Sauce
2 tbsp of Sugar
12 Cherry Tomatoes halved
1/2 of juice of lime
Using a Mortar and Pestle, add in the chili, garlic and shrimp paste and pound until a paste is formed.
Add in the fish sauce, sugar, juice of lime and cherry tomatoes and lightly pound to release the tomato juice and to mix all the ingredients together.
Add in the the shredded carrots and lightly pound and mix until fully saturated.
Taste and adjust accordingly. It could need more fish sauce, or if you want it more tangy add in more lime etc.
Transfer to a bowl and serve with sticky rice!